Rise from the ashes

Rise from the ashes

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Submit, submit, submit

The goal of jiu jitsu is not to survive (although, you don't want to get submitted, and so you want to do that).

The goal is to submit your opponent.

When we approach a match we should be trying to submit our opponent, not just establish positions/get points etc.

Jorge gave us a speech about this yesterday after making all of us who are competing at worlds train for 18 minutes straight with a new opponent every two minutes, so they are fresh and you are exhausted. (sigh, tiring, but it also awesome).

I need to think more about submissions when I am rolling.

At worlds I need to approach my matches with SUBMIT as my mentality. As Jorge would say, "you need to mentalize the submission."

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Worlds in T-13 days

Flights are booked. Hotels and car rentals. Check!

Still need to register. Stuck on what weight class to enter.
under 118 with a gi
or under 129 with a gi

i'm sitting around 119 (naked).

we'll see where things are at after a week of hard training.

I should be resting. Reading jiu jitsu. Watching videos. Mental training. Just reading some blogs.

Laughing my butt off.

(I love laughter, it's so refreshing).

Check out: http://sleeptalkinman.blogspot.com/ (for a wife who records her husbands rambles in his sleep... (a little crude).

And for some more hilarity: http://shitmykidsruined.com/

And something a little more highbrow: http://unhappyhipsters.com/

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So, after about a 4 or 5 week hiatus from training. I've been slowly getting back to it over the last two weeks. At first it was really hard and I got really tired, really fast.

I remember at the end of class having a 5 minute roll with a white belt and dominating and submitting the crap out of him... And getting more gassed and slower, and sloppier as time wore down. I heard Jorge shout: 2 more minutes and I laughed to myself and told the guy I was done. I didn't have two more minutes in me. That was my first class back with Jorge. Things are much better now. Yesterday's class was much better. I felt strong and not tired. My technique felt good. I feel strong again.

Jorge gave a speech at the beginning of class and it was really inspiring. He always draws parallels between jui jitsu and life. He was saying that every day we need to try to be a little bit better than the day before. And how that mentality adds up after a week, a month, a year, and beyond. He said a lot of people loose in their minds before they even get on the mat. He said we have to be the first ones to tell ourselves we are going to win, that we are going to make it. So instead of stepping on the mat and saying, I'm going to lose, I should have trained more, I have no chance against this guy, he's big, he's strong. We have to say, I am going to win, this is going to be my day, people say he's really tough-unbeatable, but I am going to surprise him and submit him and win. He said we have to be the first people who proclaim our own victory, not our own defeat. If you think you are going to lose in your mind, you almost surely will. If you think you are going to win, you may not always, but at least you aren't conceding defeat before the fights even happened.

And he said this is like life too, if you lose your job, you don't think I'm never going to find anything, you think I'm going to find something better. He said, if you are sick, you say every day I am going to get a little bit better, more well. For obvious reasons that really struck me. Lately I have been wondering if I am really getting better, if this new chemo protocol is working for me, doubting... This inspired me. Screw what the doctors say. In my mind I am going to be determined. I am not going to assume the worst before the results are in-so to speak. Every day I am going to have the mind set that I am getting a little bit better than I was yesterday, that I am moving towards wellness.

I want to be a champion in jiu jitsu. But even more I want to be a champion in life and overcome all the obstacles set before me. And cancer, I am going to win, today is going to be my day, people say you are really tough-unbeatable, but I am going to surprise you and submit you and win.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 17, 2010

Mental Game Training Technique #1 Imagery (visualization)

Visualize yourself achieving a goal you have set for yourself: World Champion, Blue Belt, June 2010

I am standing on the mat after the gold medal match. All of my team mates are going crazy shouting I won, and that I am the champion. I am walking around the mat, re-tying my belt, catching my breath. My hand hasn’t been raised by the ref yet, so it’s not official, but it’s starting to sink in and tears start to well in my eyes. I can hear my family too (my dad is so loud, cheering for me). The referee calls us both to the middle of the mat, grabs my hand and the hand of my nameless and faceless competitor and he raises my hand. I am the champion. I drop to my knees as sobs of joy erupt from my body. I run to my team mates and hug and thank Jorge first, my sensi who is crying too, with tears of joy and pride in his eyes. Melissa, Josh, my sweet Vincent, my family... And it’s all surreal. But it isn’t a surprise. I planned this, I worked for it. I deserve it. And that sense, of having earned this and not simply “won” pervades my entire being as well.


The most powerful use of imagery is to help prepare you to perform at your maximum ability, particularly in the heat of competition. **this is what i need

February 16, 2010

My action plan is for the remainder of February:
-figure out what the attitude of a champion is and how to get it
-work on my mental game daily. EVERY DAY.
-ask naturopath about sports nutrition+cancer nutrition and figure out an overlapping plan where ever possible.
-watch jiu jitsu video clip, read jiu jitsu book, talk to jiu jitsu people about jiu jitsu daily. EVERY DAY. (at least on of these things each day).
-look into how to maximize training
-come up with a training plan/schedule that is reasonable considering the treatments I am undergoing and stick to it (get Daniel to look it over and make sure it's not "too much")
-see about going to wrestling club with Melissa (just to try, see, experience)

When working on mind-setting/goal-setting use SMART
Time (frame)

February 15, 2010

Mental Edge: Questions to ask yourself:

1- Do I have the attitude of a champion?
No. Not yet. I believe in my potential. But not in myself as is, I know I need to work on that.

2- Do I believe in myself in the midst of adversity?
No. Again, I believe I am capable, but not that I will achieve/overcome regardless. That is part of why I am reading this book so I can figure out how to have a strong mind game.

3- Am I letting other people affect my thinking?
Not in negative ways. But in positive ways yes.

4- Am I eating to maximize my performance?
No. I am eating to maximize getting well from cancer. I wonder if there is a way to do both. I will ask my naturopath about it

5- Do I use the latest training techniques?
I don’t really know. I read books, forums, talk to jiu jitsu communities on line, DVDs, and train with one of the best jiu jitsu lineages out there.... Helio Gracie->Royler Gracie->Saulo Ribeiro->Jorge Britto... I have to trust these masters are training us in the best ways. And on my own keep reading and watching and learning from other sources.

6- Do I consume too much junk food?

7- Am I maximizing my training?
Probably not. I should figure out how to do that.

February 14, 2010

The Mental Edge
-maximizing your sports potential with the mind body connection-
Kenneth Baum

Great achievements don’t start with reality they start with desire.

My desire statement:
I want to get my black belt in jiu jitsu and judo. I want to be a world champion at every belt level in jiu jitsu (blue belt and up anyway). I want to be known as one of the best and most technical female jiu jitsu players, or jiu jitsu player in general. I want to teach jiu jitsu and share my knowledge/expertise (once I have it that is!!)

My reward statement:
This will help me stay in shape, be disciplined in all areas of my life, live the jiu jitsu lifestyle, and give back to the community by teaching. I will have shown everyone, but mostly me, that I believe in myself and I am never going to quit.